Andaith 9 hours ago

> Zeldin said he and President Donald Trump support rewriting the agency’s 2009 finding that planet-warming greenhouse gases endanger public health and welfare. The Obama-era determination under the Clean Air Act is the legal underpinning of a host of climate regulations for motor vehicles, power plants and other pollution sources.

> The EPA also will take aim at rules restricting industrial pollution of mercury and other air toxins, as well as separate rules on soot pollution

While this sucks for Climate Change, it also sucks for peoples health.

It's really moving costs from companies complying with regulations on pollution to people dealing with the health effects of pollution, and with the American health care funding model, it's basically another move to tax poor people and let wealthy people off.

  • iancmceachern 8 hours ago

    Agreed, this is a tax on the future health of our most vulnerable populations, which pays out to the richest corporations.

    Look at asthma rates vs. air quality. It gas disproportionately effected lower income communities for decades. So many other factors too.