Why isn't IsItCap app taking off?
So IsItCap.com is a free tool that spots misinformation. It is honestly 100% free and tries to help people spot fake news and unfounded gossip. why isn't it taking off? It's clearly the only automated tool on the web to do that. What are its flaws!? Be thoroughly brutal PLEASE!
sure you need https://isitcap.com/robots.txt don't you?
mobile version has not great performance if you trust https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-isitcap-com/g8lu3k3...
Real, honest question. Here's an example of report: https://isitcap.com/report/5527aaeb-8745-4b5f-a7f6-7c89ef34b...
The app looks super cool but for some reason, it gets 0 traction!
https://isitcap.com/about is full of buzzwords.
"we're creating a movement of informed digital citizens equipped with the tools and knowledge to cut through the noise, expose hidden agendas, and champion authentic communication in all its forms." I don't see it.
Using a generic account "Johnny Casher" ("My friend just built an app") and further sock puppet accounts (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43230515) isn't genuine. The website including parent company (https://www.thepricer.org/blog/) smell of AI-generated content from top to bottom including the web design. It's all set to process as many questions as possible. Possibly to rank high (SEO) for those questions.
Going to https://www.thepricer.org/ doesn't add credibility, it seems to be an AI tool to find products.
Thank you! That's the brutal honesty I was looking for. Truth be told, a lot of time was put in the design itself, weird to hear that the web design of the isitcap app seems AI generated. It was all done by hand. Took a lot of time as well:) As for the processing of as many questions as possible, it's quite the opposite. They are set to noindex from the getgo, especially to avoid useless spamming. But anywho, thank you for your feedback!
Who knows about this tool? How have you been promoting it? Where? To whom?
If you build something, that doesn't mean people will come regardless of how useful it is.
The usual promotion channels. Product Hunt, Indie Hackers, a thread or two on reddit, some facebook advertising. nothing seems to help it take off. Maybe the advertising is too soft?