Ask HN: Do any cameras or recorders on the market exist with signed attestation?

2 points by EGreg 6 hours ago

With AI being able to spoof voice and video, the need for hardware attestation and digital signatures becomes ever more pressing. Audio and even video evidence would become inadmissible in court pretty soon.

I just watched this video from Suits, at this exact moment:

Now, in the series, it's just a silly thing that record a lot of hours, but the context immediately suggested to me that such a device would be much in demand.

How hard would it be to build and market such a device?

Do they already exist on the market? I'd really want to buy one.

In one-party-consent states, it's possible to legally record conversations without others' permission, since they're happening in the same state (in fact, within a few feet of you). I can see how an AI could also be used to transcribe what was being recorded, analyze it, etc. and help debrief and discuss action items at the end of the day. You could also do the same with various cameras (including in Meta glasses) in public settings:

For those who may be concerned about privacy, what I really want to do is put out a vertically-integrated solution for colleges, neighborhoods, etc. where the video is not just signed, but encrypted with one key per camera-minute... and requires an audit trail to decrypt: