teekert 7 hours ago

There are a bunch of earlier related reports: [0]

I could use mine again when changing the data of a controlling device (iPhone in my case) to something like march 7. Connections to things like Home Assistant and VLC remain functional.

We still use the Gen 2 constantly, with an old, dumb TV, it's the way we consume the modern services. If it would not come back to life, I'd probably think about an Apple TV, or perhaps an entirely new TV. Still, that's quite some e-waste this cert expiry is causing. How nice the world would be if the software for such devices was open sourced... Or if there would be some open alternative.

[0]: https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=false&qu...

  • actionfromafar 7 hours ago

    Change the date?

    • teekert 7 hours ago

      Set the date of the device you want to use the Chromecast from to an earlier date: [0]

      I guess the Google Home app then accepts the expired cert again. Many apps stop working though (like Netflix), but you can at least go through the Chromecast install procedure again. This is not a solution to the problem though.

      [0]: https://www.supportyourtech.com/iphone/how-to-change-the-dat...

ibash 7 hours ago

I replaced my chromecast with a wiim pro earlier this year. So far the wiim is just as reliable and hassle free.

  • teekert 7 hours ago

    Looks like it is only for audio though, right?

    Nice that it's not Google so with video could be a good replacement.