I love the sunlight and dread the long, dark winter evenings of Northern Europe. I often look up sunrise / sunset times and count off the days until the darkness is gone.
Now I've written a terminal app for this (Mac/Linux)
Features: a colorful summary of daylight times for your location; projected change over the coming days; handles NO_COLOR and a ---short flag if you dislike the output format.
The location is IP-based but you can override this if you're on a VPN. Just create a terminal alias with the --loc flag. The app supports areas in the arctic / antarctic circle too.
Check our the repository for a preview and instructions on how you can install it with Homebrew.
(There is a Windows build but it's not yet tested)
I love the sunlight and dread the long, dark winter evenings of Northern Europe. I often look up sunrise / sunset times and count off the days until the darkness is gone.
Now I've written a terminal app for this (Mac/Linux)
Features: a colorful summary of daylight times for your location; projected change over the coming days; handles NO_COLOR and a ---short flag if you dislike the output format.
The location is IP-based but you can override this if you're on a VPN. Just create a terminal alias with the --loc flag. The app supports areas in the arctic / antarctic circle too.
Check our the repository for a preview and instructions on how you can install it with Homebrew.
(There is a Windows build but it's not yet tested)
Windows build works fine (Windows 10 Professional x64 22H2).
I was curious how the times were obtained. It uses https://github.com/nathan-osman/go-sunrise , which links to this calculation method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunrise_equation#Complete_calc...
Great looking app!!
I immediately checked how you do location lookups:
> IP lookup is powered by https://ipinfo.io. They provide a good service so please don't spam requests.
There was a thread about them recently — the scale of their operation was very surprising.
Cool! Can we use the sky hue as Terminal background or overal “theme”?